When lifesaving meets caregiving

SCDF ORNSmen and their community partners spent a meaningful day giving back to seniors at the Thye Hua Kwan Senior Care Centre at Kaki Bukit.


On 25 October 2022, the Civil Resources Unit (CRU) under Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)’s Logistics Department, partnered with Thye Hua Kwan Senior Care Centre at Kaki Bukit (THKSCC) to organise a charity event based on the theme “When Lifesaving Meets Caregiving”. The SCDF Operational Ready National Servicemen (ORNSmen) from CRU HQ, Bravo Company, served as SCDF’s charity ambassadors and passionately contributed to the event’s success.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Wesley Ho, Director of Logistics Department and his team of officers also volunteered at the event, which commenced with the SCDF ORNSmen giving special trishaw rides to the THKSCC seniors around the Kaki Bukit neighbourhood. The trishaw was provided by Cycling Without Age (CWA), a registered charity that runs innovative programmes to engage and empower seniors to live out their best years in active settings.


MAJ (NS) New Wee Beng offering THKSCC seniors a ride on a trishaw around the neighbourhood.

The THKSCC seniors enjoyed the lush greenery and company of the SCDF ORNSmen, who took time outside their In-Camp Training, learning how to handle a trishaw and act as safety marshals during the event. 

“It is a great opportunity for SCDF to partner THKSCC and engage the seniors in this meaningful charity event,” said LTC (NS) Marcus Lee, Commander CRU. “The trishaw was a common mode of transport back in the days when the seniors were much younger. By having the seniors ride the trishaw, we hope this could bring back some fond memories for them.”

SCDF CRU ORNSmen helping out with the trishaw ride.

Apart from SCDF, other community partners such as The Food Bank SG and FILOS Community Services Ltd donated food and daily necessities which were packed into “care” packs. These care packs were distributed by SCDF ORNSmen to the households of 55 THKSCC seniors, as well as those seniors who attended the charity event. 

SCDF CRU ORNSmen helping to distribute care packs.

 Last but not least, a team of ORNSmen befriended the seniors at the care centre to engage and connect with them on a deeper and personal level. The seniors warmed up quickly to the ORNSmen, with some even sharing their cherished life stories and experiences.

“As we work towards building A Nation of Lifesavers, it is important that we take time to remember the seniors as well as the less fortunate in the community and do what we can as an organisation to help improve lives apart from our core duties of emergency response,” said MAJ (NS) New Wee Beng, Deputy Commander CRU.


SCDF ORNSmen and their community partners.

For many of the ORNSmen and NSFs, it was their first time volunteering, and it sparked their interest to explore more opportunities in the future.  

“Besides performing our duty of protecting and saving lives and property at the frontlines, this charity event allows me to engage and contribute to the community in a new way. It is something refreshing and adds to the meaningfulness of being called back for In-Camp Training to serve with the Lifesaving Force,” said SGT (NS) Syed Ali Bin Syed Abdul Rahman.

“Interacting with the elderlies helped me to understand them better and appreciate the challenges that they may face each day. It was indeed a rewarding experience for me and other NSFs as we brought smiles to the elderlies and helped make their day a joyful one,” said Lance Corporal (NSF) Jeremy Lai.

The SCDF would like to thank THKSCC and its community partners for helping to make this meaningful charity event a success!

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