On the (running) trail back to fitness

ASP (NS) Amos Ong wanted to get back in shape, so he turned to one of his favourite pastimes – running – and enlisted some help from HomeTeamNS. 

ASP (NS) Amos Ong wanted to get back in shape, so he turned to one of his favourite pastimes – running – and enlisted some help from HomeTeamNS. 



ASP (NS) Amos Ong’s journey back to fitness was inspired by a new addition to his family. His wife had given birth to their first child, Alyssa, in April and Amos succumbed to one of the usual woes of new parents – a lack of sleep and poor eating habits.

This in turn disrupted his exercise routine and affected his overall fitness.

Looking to get back in shape, he signed up for HomeTeamNS Running Clinics to build up his stamina in time for the 10km race at REAL® Run 2023. This also helped him to start running regularly again and helped him focus on the finer points of his hobby.

“In each session, the trainer focuses on different things from how we run, to how we drive our legs, to stretches and hand movements. These are things we might already know but have not been trained in, so it is a good reminder for us all,” he said. 

As with all good hobbies, it’s also helped him to widen his social circle. “I’ve become friends with some of the other frequent members of the running clinics. They’re from all walks of life.”


Amos’ love of running dates back to his National Service.  He ORDed in 2005 from Police Psychological Services Division (PPSD) and is currently an Assistant Superintendent (ASP) in ProCom as Div 3 Head Operations and Training.

“I started long-distance running since my National Service days back at the Old Police Academy. Back then, there was more momentum to train. These days, the priority is to stay fit and healthy,” he said.

The benefits of running are well known. It helps to improve heart health and can boost weight loss. It can also strengthen one’s bone structure and help to improve emotional and mental health.

Said Amos: “I like running around park connectors and reservoirs as it offers a good path with little traffic.”


One of his favourite running trails is around Bedok Reservoir Park. The 4.3km track meanders around the scenic 88-ha reservoir, offering runners a relaxing route that – best of all – isn’t interrupted by traffic lights.

Now that the HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir Clubhouse has opened, it’s also given Amos a go-to destination after his run. “I can easily pop by for a quick swim and even buy some coffee and have lunch,” he said. 


Amos has participated regularly in HomeTeamNS REAL® Run. He tries to join the run every year unless he’s abroad – this year, he signed up for the 10km run. Apart from motivating him to keep fit, it’s also a chance for him to catch up with old friends.

“Every year, I end up meeting my other NS mates from ProCom or other police divisions. It’s generally a good run with a scenic route and a nice crowd,” he said. This year’s run, which was held at OCBC Square, was no different.

The signature run also helps NSmen continue to forge a strong sense of camaraderie.

“In ProCom, the guys will actively push for participation and try to win the fastest unit award. I may not be able to run fast enough but I show my support by participating and meeting up with some of my other NS mates,” he said. 

For Amos, hitting the pavement offers a very simple, tangible benefit, so it’s no wonder that it remained his go-to form of exercise over the years: “Running often allows me to break into a good sweat and clear my mind from the hustle and bustle.”

As a new father, he’s also looking forward to the rest of the family joining him. “I would love to bring my family along for training sessions in the future to exercise and get fit together.”

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