Determined to succeed: A journey of resilience, dedication, and teamwork

Content and Photo by: Singapore Civil Defence Force

Follow the 1st SCDF Division’s 11 Rescue Unit and 11 Medical Unit in their quest to attain the prestigious INSARAG-Recognised National Accreditation Process (IRNAP) certification.

During the IRNAP Rescue Proficiency Assessment, 11 RU/MU’s response capabilities in search and rescue, medical response, and team coordination were rigorously tested under challenging disaster scenarios.

Follow the 1st SCDF Division’s 11 Rescue Unit and 11 Medical Unit in their quest to attain the prestigious INSARAG-Recognised National Accreditation Process (IRNAP) certification.

On the morning of 29 May 2024, the Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) from the 1st SCDF Division’s 11 Rescue Unit and 11 Medical Unit (11 RU/MU) gathered at the National Service Training Centre to mark a significant milestone — the INSARAG-Recognised National Accreditation Process (IRNAP) ceremony. This moment was the culmination of a journey marked by determination and resilience.

Back in October 2022, the 21 Rescue Unit and 21 Medical Unit became the first SCDF NS units to complete the United Nations’ International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG)’s National Accreditation Process. This empowered SCDF to certify its NS Rescue and Medical Units as Medium Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams, setting a high standard for others to follow.

The challenging yet memorable journey for 11 RU/MU began in October 2023, during their Year 3 In-Camp Training (ICT). Their first attempt at the 24-hour IRNAP Rescue Proficiency Assessment was halted due to inclement weather, but this setback only strengthened their resolve. The unit prepared diligently for a second attempt the following year.

In the six months leading up to the 2024 IRNAP certification, the commanders of 11 RU/MU collaborated with officers from the 1st SCDF Division to meticulously plan the required manpower and logistics. Senior SCDF officers, instructors from the Civil Defence Academy, USAR experts and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) officers shared their expertise, ensuring the unit was well-prepared.

Despite the shorter duration of the Year 4 ICT, the 330 NSmen from 11 RU/MU swiftly refreshed their skills and completed their preparations. On 25 May, they began the assessment exercise, only to face a five-hour spell of bad weather. Undeterred, the NSmen kept their spirits high and resumed their mission with renewed vigour once the weather cleared.

The RU conducted search-and-rescue operations, breaching numerous concrete slabs to access ‘casualties’, while the MU provided on-site medical response for various scenarios. By 5 am the next morning, they had achieved mission success.

“11 RU/MU’s story of IRNAP accreditation was one of overcoming the odds with sheer determination and sacrifice,” recalled Commander 1st SCDF Division, COL Tay Zhi Wei. He observed many instances in which the NSmen put aside their own fatigue and motivated those around them to push on. As summed up by COL Tay: “Victory is the sweetest when it is hard-earned!”

It was an unforgettable moment for the men, realising they had finally achieved IRNAP accreditation.

Rescue995* had the privilege of catching up with the Unit Commander of 11 MU, LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh Seo Kiat. Having passed his 50th birthday, LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh had already completed his ORNS obligations. However, he volunteered to extend his service to see the unit through the IRNAP certification.

COL Tay Zhi Wei (left) presenting the Letter of Appreciation to LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh Seo Kiat during the IRNAP ceremony on 29 May 2024. On 1 June 2024, Dr Goh was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (LTC). 

Rescue995: Could you share more about your journey in SCDF and 11 MU?

LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh: During my Full-time National Service, I was posted to SCDF as a Medical Officer. I served with the Rescue Battalion in 1st SCDF Division for over 10 years. When 11 MU was formed in 2020, I transitioned from 11 RU to the new unit.

Rescue995: Why did you volunteer to extend your service beyond 50 years old?

LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh: The postponement of the IRNAP certification in 2023 due to bad weather was disappointing for our men, who had trained so hard. Since the unit was formed, I have watched my men grow from rookies to highly proficient rescuers. I wanted to finish this journey with them by achieving the IRNAP certification together. I am grateful to SCDF for allowing me to fulfil this wish.

Rescue995: What are your roles and responsibilities in 11 MU?

LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh: Unlike the previous Rescue Battalion structure — where the medical platoons reported to the Battalion HQ — 11 MU is an independent unit that works closely with 11 RU. 11 MU is responsible for providing timely medical treatment during crises.

Rescue995: How was your team evaluated during the IRNAP assessment?

LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh: We were assessed on our ability to work cohesively as a team and provide timely medical treatment. For example, our advance party must treat casualties encountered during initial reconnaissance of the disaster area. Speed is of the essence, as the window to save severe trauma patients is small.

Rescue995: Could you share a particularly impactful or meaningful moment during your service?

LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh: It’s hard to pinpoint a single moment, but I am proud of how we have grown into a cohesive and capable medical unit. I will always cherish the bonds we have forged and the journey we took to achieve the status of a Medium USAR team.

Rescue995: How do you balance your personal life with your NS obligations in SCDF?

LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh: As an orthopaedic surgeon, my skills come in handy as the Unit Commander of 11 MU. I am grateful to my employer for supporting my NS commitment, and to my family for their understanding and support.

Rescue995: What message would you like to share with your fellow NSmen about resilience and dedication?

LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh: As a nation, we must never take peace, security and safety for granted. I strongly believe that resilience, dedication and perseverance will help us to pull through any crisis.

*This story has been edited from an interview that was originally published in SCDF’s digital magazine, Rescue995.

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