Runs, encounters with ministers and ‘makan’ sessions are among the experiences shared by DAC (NS) Muhamad Azfar Bin Ramli and MAJ (NS) Shahrudin Bin Salleh.
World Water Day was celebrated with a splash at HomeTeamNS Clubhouses, where junior members had fun learning about the environment through exciting activities. TEXT: NUR ADLINA BINTE ADAM PHOTOS: HOMETEAMNS In March, HomeTeamNS hosted guests and members for an array
The June holidays are here and it’s time to play at HomeTeamNS clubhouses. TEXT: MELODY TAN PHOTOS: HOMETEAMNS Good news: You don’t have to fly somewhere exotic to make great memories with the kids during their school holidays. Simply spending
Aqua Adventure offers more ways to make a splash at HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir. TEXT: MORGAN AWYONG PHOTOS: HOMETEAMNS Other than the occasional cold spell, Singapore’s sweltering tropical weather usually has us appreciating the fact that we’re surrounded by water. For
Runs, encounters with ministers and ‘makan’ sessions are among the experiences shared by DAC (NS) Muhamad Azfar Bin Ramli and MAJ (NS) Shahrudin Bin Salleh.