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In The Force

Supporting a well-oiled SCDF machine

These Corporate Services Hub National Servicemen perform a crucial, if often overlooked, role in ensuring SCDF operations run like clockwork. Here’s how.



For every successful Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) event or exercise, there is a team of dedicated National Servicemen working tirelessly in the background to provide essential support services.

Three Corporate Services Hub (CSH) National Servicemen share with us what their vocations mean to them, and how they support SCDF frontliners.

Meet SGT1 Lioh Yong Hao and LCP Raden Zulfiqkar Bin Zulkifri, who are both with CSH (West), and SGT1 Aloysius Ng who serves with CSH (East). Earlier in March, they supported Exercise Northstar XI in their capacities as a supply and operations assistant (SGT1 Lioh), an info-communications assistant (LCP Raden) and a provost officer (SGT1 Ng).


The massive exercise – which simulated a terrorist attack on Jurong Island – involved over 300 personnel from multiple agencies including the SCDF, Singapore Police Force, and Singapore Armed Forces, as well as other public and private stakeholders like the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, the Ministry of Health, ExxonMobil and Keppel Infrastructure.

“In addition to working closely with the other stakeholders, our SCDF colleagues needed to be on-site for long hours to prepare and execute the exercise,” explains SGT1 Lioh. “Be it exercise equipment, refreshments or transportation needs, we support our frontliners behind the scenes so that they can focus on the mission.”


LCP Raden (right) guiding his juniors on the operation of a portable sound system, in support of parade rehearsals.

During Exercise Northstar XI, SGT1 Ng and his team were asked to simulate a Tactical HQ scenario where command vehicles were deployed. “We are responsible for safeguarding the command vehicles, which is of critical importance to overall command and control of SCDF’s frontline operations during a major incident,” he describes.

 LCP Raden, whose day-to-day tasks include routine checks, maintenance of info-comms equipment and attending to info-comm and technological issues, notes that such major exercises can require significant technical and communications support.

“During these major events, our team had to ensure that all communications channels between the event organisers and working party ran smoothly,” he said.

Their support is not limited to large exercises. During recruit enlistments, graduation parades and the National Day Parade (NDP), LCP Raden and his team can be found setting up portable mixing consoles, speakers and other audio and visual equipment: “For events such as parades and ceremonies, we have to be very alert to visual and audio cues to ensure that the music is in sync with certain event sequences. This requires quite a fair bit of concentration and situational awareness,” he says.

The 2022 NDP was also a busy occasion for SGT1 Ng: “During the NDP, my team and I were stationed at Kallang Fire Station to prepare the Command Vehicles for a Tactical HQ deployment, in case there was a major emergency. After securing a perimeter for the command post, we remained on high alert to safeguard all personnel and equipment on site.”

Adds LCP Raden: “I always thought that CSH only handles routine logistics and communications services that are far removed from other SCDF operations. However, I soon realised that all departments really need to work closely together to conduct our mission — protecting lives and property — effectively.”

This story is based on interviews originally published in Rescue995.

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Club Buzz

Here’s how play strengthens a unit and beyond

Singapore Police Force veteran DSP (NS) Eddy Jamal says cohesion activities can spark camaraderie among teammates.



“Throughout my 19 years in the Singapore Police Force (SPF), where I’ve held various appointments including that as the Head of Operations (NS) in the Public Transport Security Command (Transcom), I have repeatedly witnessed the importance of fostering a strong sense of unity among men who serve on the frontline of public security. This especially applies to my current role at the Police National Service Department, where I work with colleagues from the Leadership & Executive Training School and the Training Command to conduct leadership courses for our officer cadets as well as mid-level National Servicemen supervisors.

DSP (NS) Eddy Jamal served 19 years in the Singapore Police Force.

My work revolves around operations, where strong bonds and a high degree of camaraderie are crucial in performing every aspect of the job, from pre-planning to execution. For instance, the locations where officers are deployed for patrols depend on information that’s transmitted from the operations room. Thereafter, the officers on the ground work together to ensure that any detected crime is stopped, and the offenders are apprehended. But such synergy doesn’t materialise from out of nowhere — you must put in effort to nurture it.

Cohesion-building activities are a useful way to develop this sense of harmony between Home Team NSmen. I was reminded of this in 2022, when my former Transcom team participated in a session for senior officers that was held at HomeTeamNS Khatib. While the event featured presentations and dialogue sessions designed to help us fine-tune our operational capabilities, the real highlight for many of us was the second half of the programme, where we were able to let off steam through a series of fun physical activities.

These unfolded at Adventure HQ at HomeTeamNS Khatib, a 2,800 sqm indoor playground equipped with 10 installations. Here, we were able to test our strength and agility through bouldering and rock and urban climbing as well as attempting a ninja obstacle course. I was especially impressed by the 114m slide, which provided an amazing adrenaline rush! And I evidently wasn’t the only one who thought so — everyone seemed to be abuzz with excitement as they awaited their turn to go down the slide.

The experience really reinforced our team’s strong bonds. I saw officers encouraging one another to try out the various activities, while laughing and joking around amid a jolly atmosphere. It was nice to see the team let their hair down after several busy months where we were occupied with our National Day Parade and Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix commitments. Overall, it was good that the cohesion activities allowed us to interact in groups, which helped to establish rapport beyond our own units. In future, I hope to see more of such sessions that are thoroughly organised in consideration of factors such as the weather, accessibility and activity mix. For those who are about to attend a cohesion event, I’d advise you to come with an open mind. Most importantly, enjoy the time with your fellow NSmen.


Planning your unit’s next round of cohesion activities? We’ve got you covered.

Tchoukball: Gather two 12-player teams to try your hand at this fast-paced sport that has been growing in popularity in Singapore, ever since our women’s tchoukball team beat Chinese Taipei and topped the world rankings. Available at HomeTeamNS-JOM Balestier and Bukit Batok.

Archery Tag: This unique activity that combines dodgeball with archery will test your group’s agility, teamwork and precision. Available at HomeTeamNS-JOM Balestier and Bukit Batok.

Art Jamming: Slow things down and get in touch with your creative side. You can even create a painting together as a team to showcase your collaborative flair. Available at HomeTeamNS-JOM Balestier and Bukit Batok.

Check out other cool cohesion activities you can try with your peers at our clubhouses!

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Close Up In The Force

How We Nabbed a Suspected Serial Shoplifter

Excellent teamwork and quick thinking on the part of these SPF officers proved key to getting the job done.


When shopping at the supermarket or mall, we tend to go about our activities without paying much heed to those around us. In fact, not many are aware of the crimes that take place in our midst. According to figures released by the Singapore Police Force (SPF), shop theft cases in Singapore rose by about 22 per cent, from 2,652 cases in 2021 to 3,244 cases in 2022.

To deter theft and apprehend shoplifters, Police National Servicemen (PNSmen) from Clementi Police Division regularly conduct patrols in crime-prone retail areas. PNSmen SSSGT (NS) Elisha Lim, SGT(2) (NS) Zestin Soh, and SGT(1) (NS) Santosh S/O Gunalan were recently deployed on one such patrol as part of their In-Camp Training.

While making their rounds at a supermarket in Clementi, the trio crossed paths with an individual who was wanted by the police for his suspected involvement in a series of shoplifting cases. The suspect had allegedly stolen hair-care products from a supermarket on three occasions between the end of May and early June. The supermarket filed a police report on 10th of June 2023. After an investigation, the suspect’s identity was established.

The officers who were on patrol immediately recognised the suspect as they had been briefed earlier by Community Policing Unit officers from the Clementi Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) to be on the lookout for someone matching his description. They had identified him by his distinctive hair colour, tattoo and facial features.

Rather than rush to make an arrest, the officers maintained their composure and verified the suspect’s identity with the help of Ground Response Force (GRF) officers from Clementi NPC. They continued to monitor him from a distance while pretending to distribute flyers, to avoid alarming him.

“It pays to be alert and watch our surroundings when on patrol,” noted SSSGT (NS) Lim.

Thanks to the seamless planning and coordination between the GRF officers and the PNSmen team, the officers were able to stall the suspect and lead him to a quiet area away from the public eye. The suspect was subsequently interviewed for his suspected involvement in the earlier shop theft cases. This is yet another fine example of how SPF officers effectively fight crime through strong teamwork, dedication and courage.

“I am thankful for the training that keeps us operationally ready and prepared to handle various situations. It reaffirmed my belief that by following a well-prepared shift work plan and patrolling conscientiously, it is possible to make a meaningful difference,” said SGT(2) (NS) Soh.

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In The Force

Ordinary people with an extraordinary mission

These Home Team volunteers who serve with dedication and passion have been recognised for their contributions.


The Home Team gives out the Minister for Home Affairs (MHA) National Day Award annually to a group of individuals, to recognise their outstanding contributions as volunteers. This year, MHA acknowledged seven individuals who have made significant contributions.

Let’s hear from two recipients, Ms Tham Yoke Leng and Mr Nadanasigamani Senthil, on what keeps them motivated to devote their time and effort to helping out with the Home Team.


Ms Tham Yoke Leng has been volunteering under the Prison Volunteer – Buddhist Fellowship scheme for 10 years.

Ms Tham: I am a Buddhist Fellowship volunteer and conduct weekly counselling sessions at Selarang Park Complex Prison for the inmates. During these sessions — which are conducted in English —  we aim to share the Buddha’s teachings with the inmates so they can bring positive change and improvement in their lives.

I also share my personal experiences of practising the Buddha’s teachings. This helps the inmates gain insights into the positive effects of embracing compassion and wisdom, and how it can help diminish negative emotions like greed, hatred and delusion.

We also introduce them to the Noble Eightfold Path, as taught by the Buddha, which provides a framework for their journey towards a better life. During the sessions, we include guided mindfulness and awareness meditation to help calm the mind. This helps the inmates to be present in the moment and cultivate gratitude for everything they have.

Mr Senthil: Our Citizens on Patrol (COP) team conducts monthly patrols around our neighbourhood. Our objective is to enhance the safety and security of our residents. Whenever the residents see us wearing our COP vests, it encourages them to share any feedback regarding suspicious activities or gatherings they may have noticed.

We take note of these and will notify the police when necessary. It’s a collaborative effort and we serve as community partners, working hand in hand with the Home Team to contribute to a secure neighbourhood and safer nation.


Mr Nadanasigamani Senthil has been volunteering with the Citizens on Patrol scheme for eight years.

Mr Senthil: On 16 June 1995, I arrived in Singapore as a work permit holder in the construction industry. I felt blessed to be able to work and live in a country that is known for its safety, security and commitment towards fair laws and equal rights for its diverse population.

Over the years, I embraced the opportunities offered by the Singapore government, and through hard work and dedication, I progressed from a worker to become a Director in a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME).

Even after obtaining Permanent Resident (PR) status and citizenship, I volunteered actively and was driven by both passion and a sense of responsibility to give back to the community that has provided a safe home for my family. I hope that one day my son will follow in my footsteps, becoming a volunteer and serving the nation as the next generation.

Ms Tham: During the sharing sessions, I noticed the inmates’ eagerness to learn and embrace the Buddha’s teachings in their daily lives. Their desire for a happier, more peaceful existence for themselves and their loved ones was evident. One particular inmate, who initially seemed disinterested, transformed over a few weeks, actively seeking ways to improve himself. Witnessing their determination to reform motivates me to support their journey and remind them that they are not alone.

Buddhist Fellowship has received appreciation letters from both inmates and ex-offenders, expressing how much they valued the sharing sessions and the positive impact of the Buddha’s teachings on their lives. Some ex-offenders have even visited the Buddhist Fellowship Centre to deepen their understanding and continue their practice. They also volunteer and help with wholesome group activities, including assisting in homes.


Ms Tham: Everyone makes mistakes. As a volunteer, avoid judging a person’s mistakes. Instead, keep an open mind and an open heart to accept the inmates for who they are and the errors they have made. Remember, these inmates also possess a loving heart and are not bad people.

Mr Senthil: Volunteering with passion makes the work truly interesting. It is the responsibility of every citizen to actively participate in ensuring our country’s safety and security. By receiving public support and involvement, our Home Team can focus on safeguarding other parts of the nation from internal and external threats.

Relying solely on the Home Team for our safety could leave us vulnerable to our enemies, leading to issues within our community. Threats can happen anywhere. Therefore, we must act as vigilant “third eyes” for the Home Team, promptly providing information to the authorities on any abnormalities or suspicious activities we come across. Strengthening the unity in our multiracial society is vital in securing the well-being and safety of our future generations.

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Shape Up Spotlight

Why core strength matters for personal fitness

Core strength is crucial for even the most basic activities. We speak to Fitness Workz trainer Aidid Haidil to understand why it matters and find out simple exercises to improve core strength.



From an improved posture to enhanced stability and balance, as well as a reduced risk of injuries, a strong core provides numerous benefits to our overall health and fitness. Fitness Workz trainer Aidid Haidil says that a strong core is essential.

“The core is involved in most athletic activities and everyday movements, from bending over to tie your shoes, to lifting a heavy object, to running a marathon,” he said.

“A weak core compromises even basic everyday activities such as lifting, bending, and twisting. When your core is weak, these activities can become more difficult and may increase your risk of injury,” he added.


Couple crunches
Leg Raises
Bicycle crunches
Bird dog
Previous slide
Next slide

The good news is that strengthening the core can start with these beginner-friendly exercises. The intensity and duration can be adjusted to suit your level of comfort and proficiency.


  1. Place your forearms on the floor with your elbows directly under your shoulders and your hands facing forward.
  2. Straighten your legs and feet and hold your body in a straight line. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then release and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

Couple crunches

  1. Sit on the floor facing to one side and lean back at 45 degrees. Raise and hold both feet slightly above the ground.
  2. Raise your knees towards your chest and lower on the opposite side.

Leg raises

  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended straight up toward the ceiling.
  2. Slowly lower your legs as far as you can without arching your back, then raise them back up. Aim for 10-15 reps.

Bicycle crunches

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and hands behind your head.
  2. Bring your left elbow across your body toward your right knee, while simultaneously straightening your left leg. Repeat on the other side. Aim for 10-15 reps.

Bird dogs

  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  2. Lift your right arm and left leg straight out and hold for 5-10 seconds, then lower and repeat on the other side. Aim for 5-10 reps on each side.


A strong core offers several benefits, like an improved posture. “Strong core muscles help pull the shoulders back and maintain a neutral spine. This leads to better posture and can help prevent back pain,” said Aidid.

It also helps to improve your sense of balance and improves overall body strength. It reduces the risk of falls and makes daily activities easier to perform. It’s also essential for exercise. “Strong core muscles protect the back and other body parts during physical activity, reducing the risk of injuries,” Aidid added.

For athletes, this forms the basis of proper sporting form and technique and helps enhance athletic performance.

A strong core also offers surprising longer term benefits. Said Aidid: “The muscles of the core are closely connected to the diaphragm and the organs of the digestive system. A strong, healthy core can help improve digestion and reduce bloating and abdominal discomfort.”


If you haven’t been exercising for some time and are getting back into the swing of things, Aidid says it’s important to establish a base level of overall fitness and strength.

Cardiovascular exercises help to improve overall fitness and endurance. This is important for sustaining a workout programme. Strength training exercises that target the major muscle groups – the legs, back, chest, shoulders and arms help build lean muscle mass and improve overall strength and stability.

It’s important to take it slow, says Aidid. “Start with lower resistance or bodyweight exercises and gradually progress to heavier weights and more challenging movements,” he added.

Once a good base fitness level has been established, compound exercises can lead to greater progress. Incorporating these with the help of a qualified instructor can also be more efficient. “Compound strength exercises target several muscle groups at the same time. These often engage and strengthen the core simultaneously, eliminating the need to prioritise core exercises exclusively,” Aidid added.

Get your engines moving with your workout partner! Try out these workouts together over at our Fitness Workz gyms and spice it up with the equipment available.

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